Schubert roses
Schubert roses
Quality grafted roses
Hybrid tea is an informal horticultural classification for a group of roses. They were created by cross-breeding two types of roses, initially by hybridising hybrid perpetuals with tea roses. It is the oldest group classified as a modern garden rose
Hybrid tea roses - R85.00 Non-Royalty Roses
Hybrid tea roses - R95.00 Royalty Roses
Prices exclude VAT and exclude delivery.
Avon velvet red, fragrant non royalty Ambassador apricot, cream yellow, fragrant non royalty Belle epoque golden bronze, fragrant non royalty Blue moon blue, silver lilac, fragrant non royalty Bridesdream pearl, pink, non fragrant non royalty Brigadoon pink, orange - cream yellow, fragrant non royalty Burning sky purple, pink, red, fragrant non royalty Candy stripe red with white stripes non royalty Caribbean deep apricot and yellow non royalty Cora Marie red flowers, pointed buds, fragrant non royalty Double delight red and white, fragrant non royalty Duftwolke orange red, fragrant non royalty Hanneli Rupert orange and yellow non royalty Helen Naude coral, pink, white, non fragrant non royalty Garden queen deep pink , fragrant royalty Harmonie salmon, orange and pink, fragrant non royalty Ingrid Bergman red non royalty Just Joey Cream,copper, fragrant non royalty Klerksdorp horizon Bicolor red and yellow non royalty Lemonessence lemon yellow, fragrant royalty Mauve melody mauve, fragrant non royalty Memoire white, fragrant non royalty Myra Stegman pink non royalty New Zealand pink, fragrant royalty Oklahoma deep velvet red, fragrant non royalty Papa Meilland red, fragrant non royalty Prince of Lesotho orange cream royalty Rina Hugo Deep pink, fragrant royalty Sheilas perfume red, cream,yellow tricolor,fragrant non royalty Snow queen white, fragrant royalty Southern sun gold, orange, red, fragrant non royalty Spiced Coffee pale amber, lavender pink, fragrant royalty Zulu royal deep mauve and lilac, fragrant royalty
Schubert roses
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