Schubert roses
Schubert roses
Welcome to our nursery

If you are looking for high quality grafted roses, look no further. Schubert roses is situated on the N4 just 27 kilometres outside Pretoria. Although we are a wholesale nursery in principle, members of the public are welcome to visit the farm and take advantage of our excellent prices. We have an extensive range of roses available and we are constantly expanding the varieties available to satisfy your every demand, whether that would be colour, bloom shape or fragrance. wholesale roses

Tree bark is shipped in from selected sawmills in Mpumlanga to formulate a rich growing medium for the stock. Rootstocks are grown on the farm and the fragrant flowering roses are grafted onto these. This method of propagation ensures a beautiful and colorfull rose with a long life expectancy provided it is well cared for.

Our roses are for sale at the farm, every Saturday at the Pretoria Farmers Market (Pretoria Boeremark) in Silverton (the entrance to the market is in Morleta Str and the exit in Krige Str) and fortnightly at Irene at Smuts market.

Contract growing for bulk nurseries can be negotiated.
Please contact Barry for any enquiries.

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Schubert roses
Updated : 8 July 2024
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